Sunomata Photo Contest 2024

Sunomata was once called “Funa-Machi ,” in full flourish during Edo Era.
The history remains throughout this town.You can see it by checking Ogaki Scenic Heritage sights,good cuisine and creators’ shops.
This year’s theme is “Oishii & Kirei (delicious & beautiful) in Sunomata.”
Please enjoy taking photos of what you’ll feel and taste. You can also arrange them into Senryu (17 syllables poem in 5-7-5 patterns.)

"Oishii & Kirei (Delicious & Beautiful) Sunomata"
【Acception】January 19th 2024-January 13th 2025


※The results will be sent via emails or letters.
Theme ①
”Oishii & Kirei in Sunomata"
Photo section
First Prize (Ogaki City Mayor Award) : Certificate and 5000 yen / 1item
Second Prize : Certificate and 3000 yen / 2item
Third Prize : Certificate and 2000 yen / 3item
Fine Selection : Certificate and 1000 yen / 5item
Theme ②
”Shashin de Senryu”
Photo and Senryu section
First Prize (Ogaki City Mayor Award) : Certificate and 5000 yen / 1item
Second Prize : Certificate and 3000 yen / 2item
Third Prize : Certificate and 2000 yen / 3item
Fine Selection : Certificate and 1000 yen / 5item
How to Apply the Contest

①Follow @tsuribinacomachi on Instagram
②Post your photos with the hashtag “#すのまたフォト2024” or “#すのまた川柳フォト2024”
③Make sure to write the titles, shooting dates and spots on your posts.

Application Terms

・All copyrights of selected posts will belong to Sunomata Photo Contest project and they may use the photos for such as walking guidebooks and other advertising media.
・Make sure to get permission of who you’ll take photos. If they’re aged under 20, their guardians’ permission is necessary.
・Any editing and composition (except for color adjusting and trimming) will NOT be accepted. Do NOT add or cut off the elements of your photos.
・Maximum number of acceptable photos is 5.
・This contest will handle the applicants’ personal information carefully- using only for the notification, gift-sending and result announcements.

Gifu-Ogaki Minoji Sunomata Council

“Wakihonjin” 115 Honmachi Sunomata Ogaki Gifu 〒503-0102
0584-84-3781 / info@gifuogaki.com

Gifu-Ogaki Minoji Sunomata organization
主催:岐阜大垣・美濃路すのまた協議会 協賛:いき枠墨俣創生プロジェクト 墨俣地域まちづくり協議会
後援:大垣市/大垣観光協会/一般社団法人 古民家再生協会岐阜西濃 【農林水産省 農泊推進事業受託】
Copyright©2024 岐阜大垣・美濃路すのまた協議会 All Rights Reserved.